Nitin Immigration



The Parents and Grandparents Program opens once a year. It lets citizens and permanent residents of Canada sponsor their parents and grandparents to Canada. Parents and grandparents approved under this program receive Canadian permanent residence and may eventually apply for Canadian citizenship.


Step 1: If you’re eligible to become a sponsor, you must submit an interest to sponsor form. This form is usually available in October or November, so everyone who wants to submit one can.
Step 2: After the online form closes, IRCC reviews the form submissions and removes any duplicates. IRCC randomly selects and invites potential sponsors to apply to sponsor their parents and grandparents. IRCC emails the invitations and posts the invitation status on their website.
Step 3: If you’re invited to apply, you must submit your application package by the deadline in your invitation.


You can sponsor your parents and grandparents if
  • you’re invited to apply
  • you’re at least 18 years old
  • you live in Canada
  • you’re a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act
  • you have enough money to support the people you want to sponsor. You’ll have to provide your proof of income and you may have a spouse or common-law partner co-sign to combine your incomes
  • you meet all other requirements under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
If you are looking for professional services from a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant, book a consultation call today, and let’s get started!

Nitin Immigration Consulting Inc. is an authorized and licensed Immigration Consulting agency based in Canada that offers end-to-end support and services for Canadian Immigration. We help and provide Canadian Immigration services to our clients and act as authorized third parties with respect to the Government of Canada.